Финтес и Бодибилдинг » ironrating » Этот малыш МОНСТР! “The Strongest Biceps: fake or true” WITH ENG SUBS

Этот малыш МОНСТР! “The Strongest Biceps: fake or true” WITH ENG SUBS новые серии

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Этот малыш МОНСТР! “The Strongest Biceps: fake or true” WITH ENG SUBS3rd episode 132 kilos for 6 reps, this is how much can curl with his biceps Kirill Sarychev, who holds an all-time bench press record of 335 kg. And the two-time Olympic bobsleigh champion Alexey Voevoda used to curl from the table 100 kg dumbbell with one hand. The American YouTube star, Kali Muscle, can curl enormous 142 kg for 12 repetitions. What can we say, everybody love biceps curls. But these very curls are so different, that one may ask a question: who is the strongest guy here?Let’s make it clear! Add to this a lot of YouTube videos where famous and not-so-famous athletes curl monstrous weights using their own very specific technique and claim their achievements to be worldrecords. Shortly speaking – a total disorder!Kali Muscle CT Fletcher Brad Castleberry ЖР в Instagram ЖР в vk.com ЖР Лайф
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Название: Видео ironrating Этот малыш МОНСТР! “The Strongest Biceps: fake or true” WITH ENG SUBS
Категории: ironrating
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